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Service provider for this website is HUG AG



Neumühlestrasse 4
CH-6102 Malters
T + 41 (0) 41 499 75 75


Concept and realization website

Baker Street GmbH
Technoparkstrasse 2
CH-8406 Winterthur
T +41 (0) 44 888 53 31


Conditions of use

Legal notice on the use of darvida.ch and their subsites. Persons who retrieve information from the HUG AG web pages acknowledge and agree with the following conditions.


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All information on the DAR·VIDA website is without obligation. The published information can be altered, deleted or publication suspended temporarily or permanently by HUG AG without prior notice. HUG AG takes no responsibility (neither expressly nor implied) whatsoever for correctness, completeness or currency of the information provided on the DAR·VIDA website. HUG is especially not obliged to remove from the DAR·VIDA website information, which is no longer current or to expressly indicate it that it is out of date.


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The use of the content and information made available on the DAR·VIDA website is at the sole risk of the user. HUG is not liable for any loss or damage of any kind or any consequential damage, be it direct, indirect, which may arise from the use of access to the DAR·VIDA website or from the use of links to third party websites. Furthermore, HUG disclaims any liability whatsoever for manipulations of the computer system of the Internet user by any unauthorised person or persons. Here HUG draws attention to the risk of viruses and the possible targeted attacks by hackers. Opening of e-mails from any unknown source or any unexpected attachments to an e-mail should, on principle, be avoided.


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The whole content of the DAR·VIDA website is protected by copyright. The commercial use of the content of the DAR·VIDA website by any means of reproduction, distribution or modification is not permitted without prior written agreement from HUG. All property rights remain with HUG. The trademarks and logos referred to on the DAR·VIDA website are protected under trademark law. The use and application of any and all brand names and logos is prohibited. The products and services offered on this website are not available to people domiciled in certain countries. Please take into account the sales restrictions that apply to certain products and services.


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Copyright © HUG AG, Malters