«natural and honest». Out of convinction
The HUG family promise “natural and honest” is the sustainable basis for our business activities. Seven areas of activity allow us to constantly make improvements and deepen our culture of sustainability.


We are pursuing a comprehensive climate strategy, which we are currently implementing step by step. Our primary concern is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible. Offsetting them is our second priority. In 2022, we were certified as a climate-neutral company by an independent partner. From 2023 onwards, we will be offseting all CO₂ emissions generated from our DAR·VIDA packaging via the forest reserve project in the Swiss Napf region.

As a patron member of the Swiss Society for Nutrition, we are committed to a balanced diet and contribute to the SGE’s mission to inform and educate the Swiss population about nutritional issues.
Find out more at sge-ssn.ch.

The “Swiss Folic Acid Foundation” carries out valuable educational work on folic acid, the vitamin of life. DAR·VIDA – and, more specifically, HUG AG – has been an active partner in the “Folic Acid Offensive” since it was launched in 1999 and offers various products containing folic acid.
Find out more at stiftung-folsäure.ch.